While I sat in the nosebleed section of the U-S Airways Center (Phoenix, Arizona) during the National Fine Arts Festival celebration service, something clicked:
The Assemblies of God has their act together.
Who else gathers thousands of teens, youth leaders and parents in one place to discover, develop and deploy the gifts God placed in the church? Through Fine Arts Festival and Ambassadors in Mission (AIM) outreaches, they provide amazing opportunities that ultimately shape our future.
Typically, I participate in several categories for National FAF, but God had other plans for this summer. Through His leading, I became an AIMer devoted to making an impact on Phoenix. All week, our team worked with the Phoenix Dream Center to remodel their facilities.
What a different side to the normally busy week of performances! Every day AIMers saw former drug addicts worshiping God. Several of these “disciples,” as the Dream Center calls them, even shared their testimonies. They brought a whole new light to the meaning of redemption.
Seeing these men and women praise the Lord full-heartedly made me think about God’s purpose for His children. What if the workers at the Phoenix Dream Center said no to His plan for their lives? What if they turned away from Him, preferring their personal desires? Hundreds of broken people would die in despair, never receiving the opportunity to know a loving Savior.
God has placed powerful anointing on our generation. In the last days, He is calling missionaries, pastors, preachers, evangelists, teachers, doctors and more to proclaim His name throughout all of the earth. Will we listen?
Hurting people are relying on us to share God’s love with them. All we have to do is go.
“Then he said to his disciples, 'The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field'" (Matthew 9:37-38, NIV).
This year was my first year performing for the AG Fine Arts. Even though I wasn’t able to attend the National Fine Arts, I was able to participate for our district and received an invitation to Nationals. I learned a lot during this time but more than that, I grew spiritually. I learned to trust God and overcome my fears and now feel like I am more confident in God's calling on my life.
ReplyDeleteI believe that people are just trying to find something real and a place that they can fit in. I believe that our generation is going to be the ultimate generation for God. There are so many opportunities today that opens doors for any kind of talent, compassion, and ministry. You don't have to only be able to sing, play an instrument, or even preach. God can use us all if we just allow him to use us.
If God is in control, he will open our eyes to see the needs of others and to see things in ourselves that we didn't even know was there. Romans 8:37 says that "we are more than conquerors through him who loved us." That tells me that with his love, nothing is impossible.
Wow, thanks! It's nice to know someone out there agrees. :) I pray God will continue to use you in whatever way He sees fit.
You know, as I read your comment, I can clearly see that God has given you a burning passion to reach the world for Him. That is fantastic-we need more of that. It's encouraging to hear someone who recognizes the power of Christ's message. Keep running towards Him~There's no telling where it will lead you. ;)