Sunday, January 31, 2010

Just Let It Go

"This is a giant leap of faith
Trusting and trying to embrace
The fear of the unknown
Beyond my comfort zone

I’m letting go
Of the life I planned for me
And my dreams
Losing control
Of my destiny
Feels like I’m falling and that’s what it’s like to believe
So I’m letting go..."

—"Letting Go" from Francesca Battistelli's My Paper Heart album. Check it out at

Francesca Battistelli sings on letting go of her plans—the plans that she's made for herself in order to tune into God's direction. So often, we try to fix things and people the way we think they should be fixed. But what happens every time? The problem ends up bigger than when we started. Instead of taking matters into our own hands, perhaps we need to let it go. Maybe we even need to get past our fear of the unknown and trust God with all of the things, people and places that occupy our time. But how do we do that?

We get a great picture of how to "let go" from the prophet Ezekiel. His ability to release the day-in-day-out details was directly tied to his relationship with God—it was very tight-knit. He was so close to God that he saw a very descriptive vision of how he was to be led on his path. (See Ezekiel 1.) After the vision, God told Ezekiel, "Son of man, stand on your feet, and I will speak to you." (Ezekiel 2:1,NIV ) Although this doesn’t describe Ezekiel’s problems, it does paint a picture of what happens when we draw close to God.

When we share a deep relationship with our Creator, we can fulfill Mark 8:34, “Whoever desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and pick up his cross, and follow Me.” Even though we may still have junk in our lives, we follow God. We no longer strive to fix things by our own power; we will totally rely on God to carry everything (ourselves included). We don’t have to worry about tomorrow, because we have the daily renewal of confidence. We will know that no matter what's going down, God has got it covered. Peace and assurance will cover our lives. Through everything we will rest in God’s perfect will. What better place is there to be?

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